Valentine Flowers of Choice – The Red Rose or not the Red Rose?

Beloved Flower Lover,

Are red roses unimaginative?

The London Flower Lover

You decide.

For some, the red roses has become unoriginal and lacklustre.  Which might even feed into other ideas about a dull, boring romantic life.  It takes away the idea of an inspired celebration. We suggest working together to use other flowers to reflect your romantic. This can be a process for singletons as well as for those involved in a long term relationship.

The red rose is still very popular and supply outstrips demand making the price rise. It is not the best time of year for roses and many get held back in freezers and brought out for the big day.

What alternatives are there?

One of the flowers we love for Valentine’s is the Ranunculus. They are a relative of the humble buttercup. They look like small peonies, last around seven to ten days, and reach their crowning glory the day before they perish.  Poppies or a mass of tulips or even some scented Narcissus if your budget is limited. They can all create a sense of giving without limits and feeling joyful about your loved ones.

I’ve got money to spend but want something long-lasting. What should I buy?

We always recommend cut orchids. Why?  Phalaenopsis last two weeks and Cymbidium may last three or four weeks, which is actually sensational floral value.  Another exquisite flower at this time of year, which lasts for ten days easily, is Amaryllis. Imagine a bouquet of Pussy Willow with a few stems of Amaryllis – sublime.

How do I make my Valentine’s bouquet last?

All flowers benefit from a thoroughly clean vase; treat it like you’re going to drink out of it. You need to cut the stems off the flowers with a slanted cut to allow the maximum amount of water to rise up to the flower head. When you receive the bouquet and prepare it for your vase, remove all foliage that is going to be under the water line as that will cause bacteria and shorten the life of your flowers. It’s really important to use a sachet of flower food in the vase as this acts as a sugar and also an anti-bacterial agent. Always change the water and re-cut the stems every day to improve the life of your flowers.

Where would I find an eco-friendly bunch of flowers?

The only way of really knowing that you have an eco-friendly bunch of flowers is to grown them yourself! We have been told that growing flowers under glass in the UK is just as damaging to the environment as flying in some roses from Kenya, Ecuador or Columbia. Instead, you could choose some Narcissus or snowflakes from local growers.

My loved one is prone to sneezing. What should I buy?

The safest choice is tropical flowers: heart shaped Anthurium or orchids would be best.

What are the pitfalls of ordering flowers online and how do I avoid them?

We would recommend that you use an online florist that you know and trust. However if you want originality, imaginative, original ideas that you are never going to get an ingeniously artistic creative handmade, designed bunch from a factory.  It is so not the same as talking to people like us, or going to your local flower shop or stall. If you want a visionary, inspirational design reflecting your relationship, you may find that many of the well-known internet companies use the same companies to facilitate their internet orders and so the choice online maybe more limited than the customer initially perceives.  We would suggest talking to us. Or to your local florist who can reflect your vision.

What sort of flowers should I buy for a man?

We have come to know that, Blue Hyacinths are a favourite of Sir Terence Conran; Norman Foster likes all one type of flower in a primary colour. Apparently, Jon Snow loves some scent and likes garden flowers. We have noticed that men enjoy the thought and enjoy a range of colours. Possibly in a primary colours such as red, yellow and blue rather than pastels.

I don’t live near a florist. Will shop-bought do?

If you don’t have access to an independent flower shop, we recommend buying lots of one type of flower and colour from a supermarket and re-wrapping it in some same colour tissue and a bow to improve the presentation. Please trust you own inspired inventive instincts on style and freshness. And remember if your creativity suggests its ok to choose something other than red roses from a multiple supplier, then it is.

Remember, this is a season to express love.

Who do I give valentine flowers to?

Anyone who you want to send a message of appreciation. This includes yourself, girlfriends, and guy-friends, along with your intimate lover.

You can let go off the idea of specialness, which suggest that your intimate relationship is your only source of love. Play big and take the opportunity to share love with all those you love.Your self included!

The Team

The London Flower Lover

p.s. a bonus

The London Flower Lover

About Thelondonflowerlover

Most busy people struggle with knowing how to really give themselves the time they deserve for genuine self caring. They can get so lost in their daily responsibilities that they lose themselves. They can get sick, tired, or just lose their way. We provide self caring and self loving packages that make use of the natural relaxing abilities of tools like flowers, and so much more, all designed to give a reliable, regular, rebalancing booster, to recharge their inner batteries so that they can enjoy life again. So welcome to this Floralicious universe, where you are the hero. Yes, that's right. We know that you have one clear desire. To be happy. We also know that something is stopping you from getting it. That is where we step in.a Things get done because you allow them to. We are your guide florists who provide you with answers for that stress. We do this using baby steps, providing you with relaxing and beautiful flowers to help you connect with your wellness. In our baby step plans we combine flowers, with a holistic appreciation of what it takes for you to be free of your challenge. In our opinion you are a hero, not a helpless victim. It is our belief that no one needs to struggle with stress if they are guided properly. We gently guide those who are stressed at work, at home or anywhere in between. We guide those who have declared that its time to stop dabbling with what they desire. And using those baby steps, we carefully guide those who are ready to experience a transformation. We would never deny the fact that flowers for your birthday, holidays and special occasions are amazing to send and receive. Those florist that specifically specialise in that line of floristry are fantastic. Yet what we are doing here points you in another direction. It's deeper. It points your attention inwards. To self. To boost yourself up on a REGULAR basis. That's a part of how we guide you through to become free of your stress. We invite you to see how life is breathing you and how you are part of life's nature. So what you uncover is really you discovering your own awesomeness. You learn how that is natural and not an exception. From that point of view , we are inviting you to let go of dabbling around . This process that aligns you with the truth of your nature,puts asleep those doubts that interfere with your desires.Putting asleep the elephant in the room and inviting you to discover your own process of moving from feeling stressed to calm, from feeling uncertainty to being confident, from feeling lonely to being in gratitude for the connections with others. We recognise what you want. We know. We have been there ourselves. We know how it feels and that all you need is a guide, to give you a plan to help you win the day. So we invite you to take the next baby step. If we don't call you to take action, then we are not helping you and life will only stay the same. It will reflect an unexplored set of feelings about your self that could harm your future. Lets put those to sleep and be focused on what is awake within you. We invite you to go forward and take the first tinniest baby step now. THE FLORALICIOUS PLAN Step 1 Sign up to The London Flower Lover blog. Open up your Floralicious conversation about relaxation, perception and flowers of all kinds. Step 2 Sign up for the empowerment plan that will work for you. At this stage are really ready to commit to your self caring. So choose your plan carefully. Each plan makes you available to the mechanics of your personal wholeness because you allow yourself to. No one is forcing you. Each plan gives you a reliable schedule of activity to bring your attention back to yourself. These plans use a mixture of techniques to awaken you . Repeatedly offered through story, gratitude journaling and more as you reflect the life you desire to breathe life into. By using flowers, you experience the boost of beautifully inspiring collections of flower designs. All you need to do is to align with that feeling. This is what makes this package a personal attunement to your natural aliveness and abundance! Step 3 You are now ready to use very specific flowers and self gifting to help you express yourself. You are ready to give yourself a licence to express yourself like never before. No longer intimidated by stress, you use flowers and self gifting to express the life that is breathing you. Your awesomeness is re-discovered, revealed and remembered. We invite you into your own Floralicious universe as you unwind, relax and enjoy happiness beyond stress.
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41 Responses to Valentine Flowers of Choice – The Red Rose or not the Red Rose?

  1. Kidz-Fiz-Biz says:

    Hi guys,

    Thanks for liking my post. I think yours is awesome too. I love flowers so this was wonderful. I’ve just had a significant birthday plus Mothers’ Day so currently I’m surrounded by flowers. Bliss!

    Best wishes,

    • Thank you for your delightful and inspirational blog. So pleased you are surrounded by the beauty of flowers that you clearly back reflect how others feel about you.Thank you for visiting us.

  2. seapunk2 says:

    I used to think red roses were unimaginative and I do like your suggestions of various orchids as an alternative. I prefer old perfume pink or magenta roses for my garden. However, I once saw a red rose called “Gabriella” and thought it was one of the most beautiful colors in a rose I’d ever seen. I’ve never seen it again. Lovely post, thanks.

  3. Victoria says:

    Beautiful! Red roses lacklustre? I think any rose is incredibly beautiful! Thank you for the stop at my blog :). Beautiful photos and post!

  4. anecdotesofmylife says:

    I love flowers and red roses are my fav…roses denote deep love, red roses denote fertility too…they bring a smile to my face everytime….wish I had someone to gimme roses even now 😦

    • Thank you beloved and thank you even more for sharing your emotional set point to day. Thank you for sharing from your heart and perhaps what we are sharing now can open up that lovely heart even wider and fuel the will.

      Ok, with your permission we would like to let you know that we are just listening to Jerry and Ester Hicks (they write books) and they talk about love, romance, and about practice getting into alignment of what you desire, so getting into the good feeling of receiving now, whatever it is your/our heart desire is.

      They say that we ( people) often wait to feel good. That we often wait until the thing happens before we allow ourselves to feel the great feelings we want. They suggest doing the opposite. To ignore what’s going on outside and to own our own power to imagine how wonderful, great, brilliant we feel when we fully embrace ourselves receiving our heart desire.

      They suggest taking it further. To forget the problem and instead just getting into the good feelings. So maybe this is opening your mind and heart.


      They suggest really really really getting into that good feeling. Making it feel bigger and bigger. Like feeling yourself laughing, really bending over and crying with tears of laughter as you feel how good it feels to feel loved up or imagine clapping, or grinning hugely ear to ear as you are smiling at yourself in an inner visualisation of yourself fully enjoying the deliciousness of receiving what it is your heart desires.

      Satisfying, they say milk that energy for all it’s worth. Introduce that feeling until it spits you out, then go back into it. Bask in it.

      They say this not because of the manifestation, not because you will only give when you get, no it’s because you can.

      They say that’s how you practice power. To accept your own power. To shift yourself. And that’s how you become in tune with your own choice to feel what you want to feel.

      They suggest that as you bask in this place of enjoying your own power to give the good feelings to yourself what you notice is something so different. So this situation is helping you see your relationsip to yourself. It’s about the relationship with you.

      All from you being able to tune into that feeling you have right now. Wonderful.So that good feeling blooms from all of this. Maybe when you get into that emotional space even before you get them, you will notice how you are really relating to yourself and in fact you are flourishing by just even noticing what you are noticing. No flowers, just the good feeling, then watch what happens in your life.

      We find that this is point of view is very similar to radical acceptance. Accepting, that you cannot change something outside you and to stop trying to and instead to come up with other creative ways of feeling that feeling you desire to feel when receiving flowers.

      All this might feel a bit nuts, sound so counter to how you, or so many of us feel but when you let go of the wanting, of the lack and ignore what is old news, and instead imagine yourself having already received flowers and how it feels, from within, you will find something even more special happens…..

      Thank you, you have been a rewarding reader, you have helped so many ask and recieve an answer to a question.

      We love where you are, it’s absolutely wonderful, and no matter how you feel about this….we are happy for you…really happy that you came by, thank you for giving us the opportunity to share.

    • anecdotesofmylife says:

      You have given such a different perspective to my thinking….I have lost my husband and I am seeking love which is very elusive….I want to love again and be loved in return…thanq for giving me the belief that it is out there and I just have to reach out for it

    • Thank you. We celebrate you. We are just reflecting back to you the truth of what you and all other women already now about themselves. The strength is your beauty, harmony, love and peace. All those things and more are what you have to offer.

      You are clearly a very lovable, beautiful person already. Just reach inside and notice that and then you will remember the inspiring feeling of love again. That harmony that warms the heart and what others already feel from you already.

      We are glad you are opening up, and letting the parts of you within talk with you. Let those inner parts tell you exactly what they want you to express independent if a lover is here or not.

      You are remembering the harmony to flourish again which already lives within you.

      Well done, we send you the very very best.

  5. ashasuparna says:

    My husband never bought me flowers for Valentines Day. But when I’m feeling down, he goes out and buys me 3 white carnations. It’s sweet because he remembers that it’s my favourite flower and that I was born in March (he is terrible with dates!) Roses never did it for me. Carnations are my flower. 😀

    Thanks for the stop by at my blog. Cheers!

    • How lovely, you both sound so in love, remembering to remember to patch things up in love even if we forget,perfect. Thank you for reading our post on the alternative flowers for valentines. We still love the rose and also the carnation. Thanks for popping by.

  6. babs1209 says:

    Thank you for visiting my blog. I love all flowers – it shows in my eclectic flower garden – but I love your alternative selection for Valentine’s Day. If it were possible, I would vote the Pink Lady Slipper orchid as the best choice for lovers, but alas, the lady slipper is rare and it is illegal to sell them in Georgia. I thank the Lord that He has covered my mountaintop with hundreds of these rare beauties, as well as other orchids and wildflowers.

    • You speak with such a rare beauty, softness and gentleness. Thank you for coming by and enjoying the alternative for Valentine’s Day. We will you the best of the best at this time. Peace and many blessings.

  7. I’ll take a red rose any day, but will gratefully accept the gift of any kind of flower. Thank you for stopping by Writing Between the Lines! Here is a post that might interest flower lovers like you. It’s called Flowers Are Like People.

  8. dranilj1 says:

    Red roses inebriate, intoxicate, exhilarate, confuse, and stupefy me intellectually and emotionally!

  9. judyjudygirl says:

    You have done your best to rescues V DAY from the mundane !! Long live the imigination !!!

  10. For me a flower has to smell of something, My favorits are hyacinths, lilacs, lillies, lavender and old fashioned carnations. I used to like roses as well untill I saw how they are grown in places in Kenya that used to be sheer paradises. They aren’t any more. If you understand German, you can see one of the pieces I saw here:
    Pretty much all roses sold in Europe come from Africa, where they are grown the same way and employees and nature are treated the same way, so now I only enjoy the roses in my sisters garden at summer time.
    Thank you for stopping by My writers block.

    • Beloved, thank you for this post from the heart. We so get you and have written about the commercial process in the flower industry. Thank you for popping by. Your voice is invaluable.

  11. We love using flowers to talk about topics. To have conversations about transformation, using the space of our good feelings and the beauty of flowers. Thank you for popping by. The more we experience peace and beauty the better life gets. It;s like seeing the beauty and calm and feeling it.When you see the peace and beauty for yourself, and as you find that place inside of us, that we all have, your own love comes forward. Thank you for checking in.

  12. Flowers have a wonderful effect on the mental health of humans. The wonderful colors very are very relaxing and the different aromas breathtaking. The different varieties of flowers are absolutely incredible. Where else can you get an all in stimulation for your senses. My favorite flower is definitely the red rose. The red rose is something very spiritual to me. They always remind me of my mother who unfortunately passed away some years ago. I think your website is fantastic. I wish you every success.

    • Flowers are like a really supportive, encouraging lover. One of natures most powerful gifts for sharing love. We enjoy how they can allow someone to go inwards and recall good feelings. This is what helps rejuvenates our mental health. Thank you for popping by and sharing your appreciation. Thank yo for the sharing about those who are in genuine need for our positive attention.

  13. eideard says:

    I always return to red roses. But, then my mom grew roses and she always gave me a red rose for my birthday – on Valentine’s Day. 🙂

    • What an enchanting memory Edward. Off course you return to where the heart is.The mother of roses, the red rose. Red roses are perfect for you as they keep your heart beating to the most loving beat.Thank you for sharing.

      Thanks for popping by!

  14. sharons3 says:

    It is always a delight to find people who think out of the box. Am fortunate to live next to a woman who tends roses, and encourages my enjoying them as well! How lucky can I be… and no work hmmmmm. Just snip and enjoy.:-)))))
    Am very happy you liked my blog hope you tune in weekly. Thanks

    • how lovely,how lovely, how lovely.

      Your beautiful description brought us right back into such a wonderful experience.Thank you for this mindfulness.

      We love what your blog offers, its connects us back to engaging our creativity.

      Thanks for popping by and we look forward to coming over to visit you too!

  15. vijay marmath says:

    happy Valentine’s 2all F/B friend

  16. Thank you for visiting my blog. Yes, flowers are beautiful. they bring so much joy with their colour and natural beauty. Great that you blog about flowers… very useful information.

  17. Pingback: Summer Flowers and the Marriage Bond Tip 3 | The London Flower Lover

  18. Thanks for the like on my blog and I have reciprocated. I love flowers and roses are my favorite. Have a blessed day.

  19. Dr. Rex says:

    Reblogged this on It Is What It Is and commented:
    Lovely!! Have to share!! Peace ….

  20. Dr. Rex says:

    On another note … thanks for stopping by “It Is What It Is” and the follow. I hope your enjoy your visits there. Peace ….. __/i\__

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