Flowers and ‘The 52 Seductions’

Beloved Flower Lover,

Every one around us seems to be picking to read  ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’, yet not us. Curious. Instead we have decided to enjoy listening to our inner voice and open up to be inspired by the alternative first class writings of Betty Herbert.  An English woman who is the author of THE 52 SEDUCTIONS, which follows her giving into respectful and funny submissions to re-seduce her husband over one year.

Making really playful choices, she writes in an honest way about how she chooses to listen to natural ways of letting go off old patterns and instead remembering the alternative. The sexy days when they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. When they were unable to contain the urge to ‘snog’ in public. When they were capable of finding erotic suggestion in the way their partner loaded the dishwasher.

Well, Betty and Herbert experienced the playful freedom to choose to remember those days; it was just that after ten years of marriage, that memory was growing increasingly faint, fuzzy and hazy. So defiant Betty was all about playfully giving in. Listening peacefully. Letting go of what no longer served her without guilting herself. Deciding to give way and experience her fretful, fearful, frustrated energy, playfully open up into the first class place of permission, appreciation and peaceful creativity, in its own time instead.

Giving way to lingering and listening to the physical changes in the peaceful energy, rhythmically possessing her, she settled on submitting to heaven on earth. Adopting a new yielding lively approach. Giving into frisky seduction after seduction.

So, ‘THE 52 SEDUCTIONS’, charts Betty and Herbert’s adoption of yielding completely to passion. How by being honestly consenting their emotion to express the depths of their erotic pleasures, that they discovered so much more.

Betty and Herbert made a pact to consent to seduce each other once a week for a year. It was their decision that led them to realise just how rusty they were at yielding to passion. The cool thing was, they really did find having gratitude for the dry spells in their erotic life, medicine. Rather than feeling worried or fretting, they gave way to the strong erotic waves of appreciation for the dry spells . Using their imagination to  consent to awakening and returning their mind to what erotic seductions could feel like, again and again.

Betty became very very attractive.  She was very responsive. Very. She chose to give herself permission of releasing lies about her sensuality and from this irrestible place she practised openly yielding to the peace already in her heart desires.

Responsively, she honoured what she treasured about  womanhood and that energy became entangled with her mate.

Each week she  gave in. Letting go of being in control and ‘being on top’. She let herself surrender. Giving up and submitting to letting go of seeing herself as dried up. Each week, each seduction she let go of ‘fixing her life’, and concentrated on listening to the emerging feelings about how her sensuality was a blessing to herself and others. She opened up to  real seduction.

Well, we have added the many alluring benefits of opening up to  flowers. How they can be enjoyed by lovers, sharing the hormones of closeness you get from kissing and cuddling.

Giving and recieving flowers touch us if we allow. If we consent to yield and give way to being seduced by them in our heart. We can add flowers to the seductive excitement of monogamy which in itself is a choice, an attractive choice of immersion and a daily privilege.

Having beautiful flowers around helps us to consciously give in to choosing to concentrate on the abundance of life. Giving way  to that simple action in small steps offers cumulative results. That’s seduction. Giving way to our peaceful heart, our relationships, our seductions become more vibrant.

All lovers relearn about sex differently.  Some love the flower thing, others do not. That’s not the point. It’s about giving into repatterning ourselves, because as a lover believes in themselves, they will produce more of the same.

For those re exploring sex again, or not. Let’s forgive and find infinite gratitude for ourselves in all our forms. Use your heart to imagine giving in to forgiving yourself for feeling sex had been a burden, or for feeling you still do not want to change. As long as you are choosing to give way to being peaceful with your decisions then it’s all OK. Then submit to your decision to take a simple action. Something that occurs to you that you can and are willing to do in the next 24 hours. Just choose to submit do that and see where that takes you. That’s all. That’s how you choose to be the one.

Love you all

The Team

The London Flower Lover

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About Thelondonflowerlover

Most busy people struggle with knowing how to really give themselves the time they deserve for genuine self caring. They can get so lost in their daily responsibilities that they lose themselves. They can get sick, tired, or just lose their way. We provide self caring and self loving packages that make use of the natural relaxing abilities of tools like flowers, and so much more, all designed to give a reliable, regular, rebalancing booster, to recharge their inner batteries so that they can enjoy life again. So welcome to this Floralicious universe, where you are the hero. Yes, that's right. We know that you have one clear desire. To be happy. We also know that something is stopping you from getting it. That is where we step in.a Things get done because you allow them to. We are your guide florists who provide you with answers for that stress. We do this using baby steps, providing you with relaxing and beautiful flowers to help you connect with your wellness. In our baby step plans we combine flowers, with a holistic appreciation of what it takes for you to be free of your challenge. In our opinion you are a hero, not a helpless victim. It is our belief that no one needs to struggle with stress if they are guided properly. We gently guide those who are stressed at work, at home or anywhere in between. We guide those who have declared that its time to stop dabbling with what they desire. And using those baby steps, we carefully guide those who are ready to experience a transformation. We would never deny the fact that flowers for your birthday, holidays and special occasions are amazing to send and receive. Those florist that specifically specialise in that line of floristry are fantastic. Yet what we are doing here points you in another direction. It's deeper. It points your attention inwards. To self. To boost yourself up on a REGULAR basis. That's a part of how we guide you through to become free of your stress. We invite you to see how life is breathing you and how you are part of life's nature. So what you uncover is really you discovering your own awesomeness. You learn how that is natural and not an exception. From that point of view , we are inviting you to let go of dabbling around . This process that aligns you with the truth of your nature,puts asleep those doubts that interfere with your desires.Putting asleep the elephant in the room and inviting you to discover your own process of moving from feeling stressed to calm, from feeling uncertainty to being confident, from feeling lonely to being in gratitude for the connections with others. We recognise what you want. We know. We have been there ourselves. We know how it feels and that all you need is a guide, to give you a plan to help you win the day. So we invite you to take the next baby step. If we don't call you to take action, then we are not helping you and life will only stay the same. It will reflect an unexplored set of feelings about your self that could harm your future. Lets put those to sleep and be focused on what is awake within you. We invite you to go forward and take the first tinniest baby step now. THE FLORALICIOUS PLAN Step 1 Sign up to The London Flower Lover blog. Open up your Floralicious conversation about relaxation, perception and flowers of all kinds. Step 2 Sign up for the empowerment plan that will work for you. At this stage are really ready to commit to your self caring. So choose your plan carefully. Each plan makes you available to the mechanics of your personal wholeness because you allow yourself to. No one is forcing you. Each plan gives you a reliable schedule of activity to bring your attention back to yourself. These plans use a mixture of techniques to awaken you . Repeatedly offered through story, gratitude journaling and more as you reflect the life you desire to breathe life into. By using flowers, you experience the boost of beautifully inspiring collections of flower designs. All you need to do is to align with that feeling. This is what makes this package a personal attunement to your natural aliveness and abundance! Step 3 You are now ready to use very specific flowers and self gifting to help you express yourself. You are ready to give yourself a licence to express yourself like never before. No longer intimidated by stress, you use flowers and self gifting to express the life that is breathing you. Your awesomeness is re-discovered, revealed and remembered. We invite you into your own Floralicious universe as you unwind, relax and enjoy happiness beyond stress.
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5 Responses to Flowers and ‘The 52 Seductions’

  1. Cher says:

    Such a powerful and ‘real’ challenge couples go through. Great post! Thanks for sharing!

  2. catnipoflife says:

    Is it you? My favorite line from my favorite movie, Somewhere in Time, with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour. What a wonderful memory:>)

    • Oh wow, do they use that simple phrase to?

      That memory,that simple experience has two ways it can be seen.

      The other person or yourself can be the ‘you’ who creates that wonderful experience of reality.

      It leads us to become even more curious about what’s important in a relationship. Thought(feelings and imagination) and action

      Thought creates experiences, actions create relationships.

      So seduction are about these two things. How one pre and post experience seduction, so giving into and giving way to seductive, thus thinking allows you to experience it before it happens in the outside world. Then the very act.The,very action linked to seduction however small, is what the seductive relating is all about.Seduction is anything that occurs to you that you can do in perhaps the next 5 mins or maybe 24 hours. Anything that you can do. That is a all. Yes a simplified way of taking an action that you can do that moves you into giving way. To yielding to sharing seduction.

      Thank you always for sharing

    • Oh wow, do they use that simple phrase to? Jane and Chris make a beautiful couple.
      We can only respond to the past in the now. We can only have an intense in the now seductive thought right now in relation to the past. So that favourite memory,that simple wonderful experience has two ways it can be seen.

      Both, the other person or yourself can be the ‘you’ who creates that wonderful experience of reality. The very one that seduces us. How delicious!

      It leads us to become even more curious about what’s important in a relationship. Thought(feelings and imagination) and action . It’s easier than you think.

      Thought creates experiences, actions create relationships.

      So seductions are about these two things. How one pre and post experience seduction, so giving into and giving way to seductive, thus thinking allows you to experience it before it happens in the outside world. Then the very act.The very action linked to seduction however small, is what the seductive relating is all about.Seduction is anything that occurs to you that you can do in perhaps the next 5 mins or maybe 24 hours. Anything that you can do. That is a all. Yes a simplified way of taking an action that you can do that moves you into giving way. To yielding to sharing seduction.

      Thank you always for sharing

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