The Love story about his Rose Buttonhole

Beloved Flower Lover,


“Thank you for the beautiful button hole”, he stood and smiled… “I pictured this”, he said standing there beaming with a shimmering smile that shone forever. “I saw all of this, me, my new wife, us, happy together through thick and thin. I saw the picture of what it feels like already happening. Thank you for my rose buttonhole”.

There was a silence, a poetic pause infused with our serving smiles, flashing brightly beautiful eternally.

He was talking to us about the gift of his personal transformation. He was light, he was funny, we were giggling. “I felt this even before today”, he said.

He said he had grown, changed and just played like whatever was going on outside, was less important to what was growing inside him. That he had decided that he was ready for commitment to wedded harmony. And that image of himself and his happy life was already there in the vision he described to himself. So he was peaceful. He kept on laughing. ..”and there is so much more”, he said.

What a generous gift to the world. We felt this light, fun couple were adding to the pre-existing harmony in the world. We felt a huge, juicy, tingle of the excitement about his life’s story, flutter into our hearts. Our skin flushed, switched on, as he generously let us into his intimate story of what changed him on the inside. It was his own ‘in joyment’.

“There is always more”,  he said quietly… ” crisis, survival, getting what we need, scared”. We felt his own personal compassion for himself as he saw his own story of himself flash before his eyes. Of himself breaking free from the not so comfortable zone of romantic, financial, vocational and blended family anxiety being described by himself to himself.

He kept us laughing as he was getting ready for the ceremony. He reminded us of the nature of exploring and expressing talents within us. Those talents that may not make the front of the World-Wide newspapers but by listening to their questions, to our inner connections we play ‘dress up’.  A practise that keeps those inner ‘links’ alive, as we give ourselves the permission to ‘in joy’ life. We discovered what it feels like to adopt a state of mind of mutual love. That which says we already are in the space of what life feels like to in-joy reciprocated happiness, peace and joy. As if it’s already there, in the way you want it to feel, to be!

Knowing so many people who carry relationships in their mind, Derek Walcott’s poem sprang to our mind. A poem that carries for us the experience of seeing ourselves as that who we most love. The one. The one we get excited to see when we come home. The one we forgive and make up with.  The one we realise we never had a problem with in the first place. The one we enjoy being in harmony with, the one,the one the one.

I bring love first

Love After Love

The time will come
when, with elation
you will greet yourself arriving
at your own door, in your own mirror
and each will smile at the other’s welcome,

and say, sit here. Eat.
You will love again the stranger who was your self.
Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart
to itself, to the stranger who has loved you

all your life, whom you ignored
for another, who knows you by heart.
Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,

the photographs, the desperate notes,
peel your own image from the mirror.
Sit. Feast on your life.

Agape’s Michael Bernard Beckwith, often talks about what Derek Walcott’s poem describes. The power, influence and impact of  in-joying loving yourself, again.

Enjoying the fact that when you love someone else, you are really loving that part in yourself. When you get excited to see someone, it’s that part in yourself you are also embracing. Mirror, as your beauty reflected back.

That that picture, that vision of who you want, that inner feeling, no matter what you see going on, on the outside external world, comes from you first. So it’s an important key to ‘in joyment’ of a happy beautiful marriage with it’s ups and downs.

Bernard Beckwith often talks about how if the external image of your life ‘does’ line up exactly with what you imagine, great. Accept it,  ‘in-joy’ it, indulge it. Whilst continuing to place your highest in-joyment of the pleasure of you creating your good feelings first from your own insides. Your imagination, your body, your state of mind.  Making that your place of your most pleasured, peaceful , focus, first.

And if the external situation ‘is not going’, along with the internal image you describe to yourself, accept it too. Do not fight it, do not say you hate it, do not resist it. No.  Instead possibly imagine it as a gift in what Dr. Darren Weissman calls, ‘strange wrapping paper’. Decide to be curious about what else could unfold.

We kept on hearing Beckwith’s voice in our heads, repeatingly saying,”nothing needs to change in life, for me to decide to be happy”. “I do not need someone or something to change for me to decide to be happy first.” “I am more than my external circumstance.”

He was not looking for the outside world to change to make himself happy first.

Our groom, was not denying situations, the finance, the health, the exams, the relationship stuff . He was not railing up against it. Yet with deep sincerity he was just not accepting that external situations were his full destiny. That those external situations were just temporary. Our groom was at peace with where he was. He had an infinite vision of love that brought his ‘life parts’ together. Standing boldly erect. Erected, to express his lovely creativity inside himself. He was ready to express it, deliver it, share it.To enjoy the harmony in his heart.

We felt like we were in front of an amazing scientist, whose class stretched us. Which we attended because we were open to his passion. Different to us, but totally the same to us at the same time. And today, because of our devotion to him, we appreciated a once misunderstood  formulae in a language we were both receptive too. Flowery, passionate, indulgent! We glowed!

Our joy for flowers, their unique way for expressing celebration painted by this expression of love had led us to understanding . We give thanks for their eternal beauty. Their life-force, expressed in the mathematical, scientific expression of life. Infinity.

Hushed by the gravitas of all of this, we gently paid deeper appreciation for when things appear to fall apart.

Possibly even imagine it’s like you just having a temporary car break down on the road. It happened but you will be home at some point. So just be peaceful. Then when relaxed and calm, decide to go back to indulge the gorgeous image you use to describe, infinite, happiness, joy, and delight to yourself.

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We extend our Congratulations to Mr. Ian Beardworth who married Ms. Ann Marie Rose on Friday 14th September.

The Team,

The London Flower Lover

About Thelondonflowerlover

Most busy people struggle with knowing how to really give themselves the time they deserve for genuine self caring. They can get so lost in their daily responsibilities that they lose themselves. They can get sick, tired, or just lose their way. We provide self caring and self loving packages that make use of the natural relaxing abilities of tools like flowers, and so much more, all designed to give a reliable, regular, rebalancing booster, to recharge their inner batteries so that they can enjoy life again. So welcome to this Floralicious universe, where you are the hero. Yes, that's right. We know that you have one clear desire. To be happy. We also know that something is stopping you from getting it. That is where we step in.a Things get done because you allow them to. We are your guide florists who provide you with answers for that stress. We do this using baby steps, providing you with relaxing and beautiful flowers to help you connect with your wellness. In our baby step plans we combine flowers, with a holistic appreciation of what it takes for you to be free of your challenge. In our opinion you are a hero, not a helpless victim. It is our belief that no one needs to struggle with stress if they are guided properly. We gently guide those who are stressed at work, at home or anywhere in between. We guide those who have declared that its time to stop dabbling with what they desire. And using those baby steps, we carefully guide those who are ready to experience a transformation. We would never deny the fact that flowers for your birthday, holidays and special occasions are amazing to send and receive. Those florist that specifically specialise in that line of floristry are fantastic. Yet what we are doing here points you in another direction. It's deeper. It points your attention inwards. To self. To boost yourself up on a REGULAR basis. That's a part of how we guide you through to become free of your stress. We invite you to see how life is breathing you and how you are part of life's nature. So what you uncover is really you discovering your own awesomeness. You learn how that is natural and not an exception. From that point of view , we are inviting you to let go of dabbling around . This process that aligns you with the truth of your nature,puts asleep those doubts that interfere with your desires.Putting asleep the elephant in the room and inviting you to discover your own process of moving from feeling stressed to calm, from feeling uncertainty to being confident, from feeling lonely to being in gratitude for the connections with others. We recognise what you want. We know. We have been there ourselves. We know how it feels and that all you need is a guide, to give you a plan to help you win the day. So we invite you to take the next baby step. If we don't call you to take action, then we are not helping you and life will only stay the same. It will reflect an unexplored set of feelings about your self that could harm your future. Lets put those to sleep and be focused on what is awake within you. We invite you to go forward and take the first tinniest baby step now. THE FLORALICIOUS PLAN Step 1 Sign up to The London Flower Lover blog. Open up your Floralicious conversation about relaxation, perception and flowers of all kinds. Step 2 Sign up for the empowerment plan that will work for you. At this stage are really ready to commit to your self caring. So choose your plan carefully. Each plan makes you available to the mechanics of your personal wholeness because you allow yourself to. No one is forcing you. Each plan gives you a reliable schedule of activity to bring your attention back to yourself. These plans use a mixture of techniques to awaken you . Repeatedly offered through story, gratitude journaling and more as you reflect the life you desire to breathe life into. By using flowers, you experience the boost of beautifully inspiring collections of flower designs. All you need to do is to align with that feeling. This is what makes this package a personal attunement to your natural aliveness and abundance! Step 3 You are now ready to use very specific flowers and self gifting to help you express yourself. You are ready to give yourself a licence to express yourself like never before. No longer intimidated by stress, you use flowers and self gifting to express the life that is breathing you. Your awesomeness is re-discovered, revealed and remembered. We invite you into your own Floralicious universe as you unwind, relax and enjoy happiness beyond stress.
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15 Responses to The Love story about his Rose Buttonhole

  1. Rene says:

    Love your work and sure I can spend days sucking in the wonderful energy hidden in your posts!

  2. catnipoflife says:

    This is such a loving and beautiful story! What a blessing to have such joy shared with you so you in turn can share it with us, your readers! I remember so well those days when young couples would come into my mom’s shop (She had a florist, cometology studio, art studio, gift shop all rolled into one!). I was young and being the romantic that I am would see the love and have a few moments to listen and share in their joy. Then, I would daydream. . .*grin* *sigh*. Now you understand another reason why I delight in visiting your website!

  3. Clanmother says:

    Fullfilling destiny is a profound journey that embraces the whole spectrum of emotions. It demands our total dedication and commitment! A flower is a great role model! They come, live brilliantly, and give back to the earth! I always look forward to your posts!

    • Personally Clanmother we give thanks for your important clarity. We look forward to your ‘mother’, appreciation. We are glad you remain physically connected to us. It is good.

      Fullfilling destiny, is such a powerful opening comment you make. Your powerful comment there deepens our appreciation for the pre-existing image of happiness that exists for us all. That is what we appreciate when you refer to fulfilling destiny.

      We have learnt slowly from working and playing with flowers and attending all the events that we do, how we can all create happiness first from the inside out.

      We have seen how this transforms lives from a personal life filled with fear, urgency or desperation to one filled by ourselves first with joy. And peace the quality we love most, when things do not workout as we might have expected.

      We remain open to deepening this path of peace from knowing that this pre-existing ability to enjoy life stands outside the ups and downs of life events. This inspires us invited by beauty to just smile at a creation. Floral or otherwise.

      As we look at gorgeous mood boards,colour, texture and scent we surrender to laughing,giggling and fun right in the now. And often a flower given or recieved, are a energetically beautiful gift to the giver and reciever.

      Flowers bring us wonderful new friends. They are a symbol of ourselves indulged enough to an overflow. Flowers for us radiate an unspeakable life force which keeps people reminded that they are lovingly connected even if they do not share a physical space.

      We have taken our time with this response because,
      flowers often communicate the unspeakable joy of sharing happiness with others even when someone is not there….. so one thing we give thanks for is hearing from you too.

    • Clanmother says:

      Your words engage all of humanity!! Gardeners and those who are close to flowers and plants have an amazing capacity for transparency and understanding. As I read your thoughts, I was reminded of a quote by Khalil Gibran: “If your heart is a volcano, how shall you expect flowers to bloom.” Looking forward to our ongoing dialogue…you truly have so much to give to our troubled world…

    • We give thanks for your wisdom Mwah xxx

  4. Beautiful sentiments thank you for sharing!

  5. Thanks for letting me camp out in your blog for a little while today. I had a great time and tried to leave my campsite as good as when I arrived. I’ll be back!

    • Oh thank you for your kind words and thoughts. They are fun and touching.You sound like someone with a great sense of humour. We are delighted to have you as a new friend. We are looking forward to your ‘soon’ return.

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